5 Digital Marketing Tools To Help You Transform Your Online Presence as A startup


Starting a business and then hustling to maintain it can be challenging, especially when opportunities are unlimited so is the competition. To keep up with the ever-growing hustle, you have to ensure that your digital marketing game is on point compared to your competitors. 

We understand that aggressive marketing can look scary and economically impossible in the initial stage of your entrepreneurial journey, but that’s not always the case. With evolving technology and the internet boom, many free digital marketing tools are available online to help you up to your digital marketing game. 

Here are a few digital marketing tools that you can take help of on an everyday basis without spending a fortune:


You must start using it without wasting a single second. It is the most helpful tool for understanding your user’s activity and who your website visitors are. Undoubtedly, this free tool is one of the must-haves for you to work in the right direction and provide your customer with what they exactly want. 

People’s common misconception about this tool is that it helps you understand your traffic, but it does more than that. It enables you to track the origin of the visitor. This can be an ad or a specific social media campaign, and when you understand that, you can shape your future campaigns and social media plans to attract your target audience. Doesn’t it make the job of your marketing team easy?


Pick up your phone, and you will find one or two emails every one hour from the website you have recently visited or accidentally clicked on the ad and got redirected to their shopping site. It can also simply be from your bank or the airline service you have recently chosen for your travel. This creates an impact, and you find something exciting, you might end up taking that offer or at least give it a read. 

Many businesses are focusing on mailers and newsletters religiously as MailChimp allows them to send an email to their existing and potential client base at one go for free. For smaller companies with around 2000 subscribers, MailChimp allows 12,000 emails a month. Along with emails, this tool comes with over 40 features, including a campaign facility and free templates. Once your business takes off, it also allows you to upgrade to the business package. 


It is an all-in-one tool for all your marketing needs. Blogging, Analytics, SEO, Email, Social Media, Marketing Automation, Website, Calls-to-Action, Landing Pages, and Lead Management can all be taken care of with this single tool. All you need to do is to put your plan into action and relax. When the stress of managing multiple tools is gone, you do nothing but relax guilt-free. 

Gone are the days when you used to update posts on different social media platforms separately. Buffer allows you to post effortlessly and streamlines publishing for you. Many startups use this tool for scheduling and publishing posts on multiple social media platforms simultaneously. 

Source: Buffer.com

With the help of Buffer, you only invest time in strategizing, not posting on social media. When you plan and execute a campaign, you can also analyze its success through Buffer to plan your next step.


Keeping the ideas and inspirations in mind and taking actions is as important as staying consistent with activities on the internet to build a brand reputation. Often you can’t keep everything in mind when plenty of ideas are pouring in, and your mind is occupied with multiple other things regarding the company. Sometimes writing on a piece of paper or creating a folder can also be not helpful as it is tough to recall or access it immediately. 

Source: Evernote

Evernote is one tool to store all your ideas, online trends, and inspirations that you think align with your company. The best part is that you can access it anywhere as you have got it on your phone.

Aren’t these tools motivation enough to reach out to your customers or start digital marketing campaigns aggressively?

About The Author

Raghu Nandan Choudhary

I closely work B2B Businesses helping them with Inbound Strategy, Sales Enablement and Technology Solutions in Driving Growth.